TreeWise and it's
Founder & Curator

TreeWise Vision
A mycelium of changemakers acting as ambassadors for thriving life
so as to create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible in
their own lives, in their families, communities & every aspect of society.
An ambassador for life is recruited & sits in each place of power where
decisions are made, to speak for life, to represent the Council of All Beings.
In every corporate boardroom, every charitable board of trustees, every
local & national government cabinet, every Embassy, every army,
every international treaty meeting, at the UN.
TreeWise Mission
To support changemakers
Changemakers who already know their purpose and are on the path
Want-to-be-changemakers who don't yet quite understand how they can be.
To support them to be Ambassadors for Thriving Life where they are able to
show up authentically free from conditioning & limiting beliefs & behaviours
and able to live, work and play in line with their values, gifts, purpose & calling.

The purpose of TreeWise
to call to your wild and authentic self, the wild wonder one that lives inside.
to awaken/empower the wise one that already exists inside your body, heart & soul so you can walk with more trust in yourself.
to help you reclaim that one that shines so brightly underneath the soot of life experience.
to remind you of the beauty that lies inside you, alongside the hurts, wounds, traumas and struggles, so that you might also look at the world through this filter and begin to look for the beauty in your life and in all others.
to call you into deeper connection the natural world to sooth, support, nourish and to widen your sense of self and time.
to resource you to embody your gifts/skills for the benefit of yourself & the people around you.
to bring a sense of freedom, flow, resilience and lasting transformation.
To stand for thriving life for all beings on this beautiful planet
About Clare
I’m called by the Trees to be the ambassador for thriving life, to be a conduit for the healing and wisdom held in the natural and more-than-human world and to call each of us to bring our unique gifts into the world.
I am an intuitive healer & began laying healing hands upon my grandmother as a child. I loved collecting plants and making potions as a child and believe in the healing power of plants & the natural world. I was often climbing and sitting in trees as a youngster., now, I hear the wisdom of trees whistling thought the leaves.
My work is informed by the wisdom of trees & a deep connection with the natural world, a love of ritual & ceremony, my background as a holistic therapist & my own journey to recovery from childhood trauma.
My Training. Professional Coaching & Facilitation, Systemic & Family Constellations, The Work that Reconnects, Flower Essences & Aromatherapy, Holistic Massage & Reiki.
Find out more about me, my background and journey to get to TreeWise